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26 februari 2003   |     mail dit artikel   |     print   |   
Dit artikel is deel van de serie: Ministerie van Angst
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Ministerie van Angst maakt overuren
Dankzij een lek is bekend geworden dat de Amerikaanse president Bush in het geniep de 'Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 - commonly known as Patriot II' aan het voorbereiden is, meldt onderzoeksjournalist Mike Ruppert.

Naast het bedrog ook leugens
De oplettende Senator John Conyers schrijft over Patriot II: 'Recent reports irrefutably indicate that the Department of Justice has been working on a successor bill to the "USA Patriot Act" for some time.' Vervolgens betrapt hij minister van Justitie John Ashcroft op een leugen: 'Your Spokesperson, Barbara Comstock, claimed in a February 7, statement (attached) that the new draft bill was still in "internal deliberations" within the Department and still being discussed at "staff levels" and has not been "presented... to the White House." This is blatantly false in several respects, yet the Department of Justice "Control Sheet" (attached) plainly indicates that the bill was forwarded to the Speaker of the House and Vice President on January 10...'. Ondanks een specifiek verzoek heeft Ashcroft nog niet gereageerd, sterker 'they have "not even acknowledged receiving it."' Je zou het in alle consternatie bijna vergeten, maar waar gáát het wetsvoorstel eigenlijk precies over? In latere DeepJournals zullen we hier dieper op ingaan. Lees er intussen alles over in Rupperts artikel.

De leugenachtigheid verklaard
De opvallende geheimzinnigheid van de Bush-regering, toch geen beste eigenschap van de volksvertegenwoordigers, is ook al opgemerkt bij de New York Times (login: DaanSpeak): 'The Bush administration has put a much tighter lid than recent presidents on government proceedings and the public release of information, exhibiting a penchant for secrecy that has been striking to historians, legal experts and lawmakers of both parties.' Bush is net als zijn vader en diens vader lid van het geheime genootschap Skull & Bones. Naast de duistere rituelen staat het genootschap bekend als organisatie die in het verleden is gebruikt om nieuwe CIA-agenten te werven, mede omdat de mentaliteit van een Boneslid en een geheim agent volkomen op elkaar aansluiten.

Omgekeerde waarheid
Intussen is ook [Homeland Security Secretary] Ridge lekker bezig. 'Ridge unveils anti-terrorism tips' is de kop boven een artikel van MSNBC. 'The United States has not seen a public safety campaign on this scale since the Cold War drills and bomb shelter precautions of the 1950s and 1960s. [...] Dubbed the Ready Campaign, it will include television ads advising Americans how to prepare for the worst.' In de beste Skull & Bones-traditie van omkering, zeggen de autoriteiten dat 'they crafted the Ready Campaign to avoid scaring people'. En in de beste Amerikaanse traditie van infantilisering: 'The Ad Council — the nonprofit group that came up with Smokey Bear’s “Only you can prevent forest fires” and McGruff the crime dog’s “Take a bite out of crime” slogans — helped put together the campaign.'

Angst als strategie
In dit artikel is iemand het duidelijk zat geworden: 'Endless Fake Terror Alerts: Fear Based Mind Control'. Het artikel ligt in het verlengde van de vorige DeepJournal in deze serie. 'If I called in a hoax bomb threat to a government building I would rightfully be arrested and yet our governments have been doing the exact same thing on a larger scale without retribution', schrijft Paul Joseph Watson. Hij haalt in zijn stuk een ander interessant artikel aan: 'Sources within both the FBI and CIA tell Capitol Hill Blue the Bush administration keeps up the pressure to come up with “something, anything” to support the glut of vague terrorism alerts from both the White House and the Department of Homeland Security. “Most of the time, we have little to go on, only unconfirmed snippets of information,” admits another FBI agent. “Most alerts are issued without any concrete data to back up the assumptions.” [...] 'Sources inside both the FBI and CIA say recent disclosure of a White House planning memo listing the war on terrorism as a legitimate political advantage and fundraising tool is just one of many documents that discuss how to use the threat to greatest political advantage. “Of course the White House is going to exploit the terrorism threat to the fullest political advantage,” says Democratic strategist Russ Barksdale. “They would be fools not to. We’d do the same thing.”

Bewijzen van strategische leugens
In het vorige artikel van DeepJournal in deze serie vertelden we over angstaanjagende waarschuwingen die waren gebaseerd op leugens. Paul Joseph Watson voegt nog een aantal voorbeelden toe.
1. 'A plot to release cyanide in the London Underground was ‘foiled by MI5’ and splashed across the front pages. The fact that no cyanide was ever found and most of the suspects were released within days was barely mentioned. Nine arrests were made under anti-terrorism laws and yet six of those detained were released within hours.'
2. 'In late January 2003, 28 Pakistani men were arrested in a raid in the Italian city of Naples. The headlines shrieked that the men were plotting assassinations and bombings of NATO targets. They had maps of London, the U.S. consulate and American naval bases. They were a definite ‘Al-Qaeda terrorist cell’ in possession of 800 grams of explosives, enough to blow up a three-story building.' Maar een paar weken later meldde de BBC: 'Italy frees Pakistani terror suspects'.
3. Over Britse troepen die in Afghanistan chemische fabrieken moeten opruimen. Nota bene bondgenoot VS spreekt de Britse feiten tegen, waarop de beslissing is gebaseerd de troepen te sturen: 'A White House spokesman, drawn into the row, said 'no evidence' had yet been uncovered in Afghanistan that Al Qaeda had succeeded in producing anthrax or other biological or chemical agents', zo staat te lezen in The Observer: 'Story of find in Afghan cave 'was made up' to justify sending marines'.


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